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Paintings in Rooms

A house with murals for walls

speaks the character of its owner

as an artistic guide into the soul

of each individual room giving it

breath and personality,

Here's the fountain of youth,

a depiction of the owner's desire

to live forever mixed together with

blues and purple that speak to the

fear of death but also fear of loss,

And across towards the kitchen

the swirls, intersecting circles that

link together like pegs in a machine

telling of a deep desire for friendship

and connection to the world around,

Drawn by gentle fingertips caressing

the wall which saw so many gatherings

taking place, and so many children

conceived, and holding quiet streams

of water through old pipes that make

the home whisper like an old friend,

it is alive when the light hits it just right,

and it tells us stories through its art.

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